Whatever your interest, you should be able to find an activity to suit you in Downtown Waco.
Try your hand at throwing axes or put your puzzle-solving and teamwork to the test by trying to get out of a Waco Escape Room.
If you want to enjoy the outdoor wonderland that downtown is, you can rent a kayak and enjoy the beautiful Brazos or get lost (figuratively!) on the hike and bike trails of Cameron Park.
Hop on a Waco Tours bus or our Downtown Waco Open air Trolley to take in the scenery while relaxing.
Art lovers might enjoy a mural hunt finding the art tucked here and there throughout downtown. Or, if you’re the artist, the architecture and quirky detail downtown is ideal for a photo walk.
Wile away Saturday Mornings with good company and good food at the Waco Downtown Farmers Market. Spend evenings taking in live local music at places like Klassy Glass Wine Bar and Bistro.
Downtown Waco has been designated a cultural arts district by the state and, as such, is a hub for artsy experiences. Keep up with our calendar to stay on top of enriching cultural activities and special events.