As managers of the Public Improvement District (essentially, the core of downtown), we’re always trying to think of ways we can make downtown better. Asking ourselves, is there something else we can clean, patrol or spread the word about to improve EVERYONE’s experience in Downtown Waco.
That’s where all of you come in. We’ve created a super short survey to help us gauge popular opinion about downtown. We want to know things like, how often you frequent downtown and how your experience could be improved upon.
Are you a downtown regular who has some insight or suggestions for us? Awesome! Lay ‘em on us!
Do you live nearby but never come into downtown? We want to know why and is there something we can do to make you want to join us in the fun down here.
We believe that Downtown Waco is for everyone and that it’s a more fun and dynamic place when everyone feels ownership of it and enjoys it. Help us live out that ideal by giving us your two cents in the survey and then help us spread it far and wide.
You’ll find the survey here ( ).
Thanks for helping us make Downtown Waco even better!
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