Grown-up Halloween costumes are tricky.
You don’t want to be too clever or complicated because then you seem pretentious. Don’t want anything too involved because who has time for that?!
But several years ago, I found a fun niche of costumes that have served me pretty well – Waco things.
I’m a little stumped on what to be this year. So I thought I’d share a few of my past costumes and other Waco-centric ideas here in case any of you are scrambling for ideas for yourself or your kiddos. You or yours are bound to be one-of-a-kinds at the neighborhood party in these get ups.
Mammoth – You really could just wear all brown and make this work but I made a poncho out of some material that looked like hide. Plus, I made ears and a trunk out of felt. The most important part is the tusks though. I used this tube sort of insulation stuff that I found at Lowes that I think is typically used to insulate pipes. I sort of shaped them and attached them to twine which I tied around my neck. There may be a better way to do tusks. If you come up with one, I want to hear about it!
Cricket – I bought blocky Styrofoam and shaped then duck taped them together in the shape of cricket back legs, then duck taped them to a belt so they stuck off my hips. Then I just wore all black and some big buggy sunglasses and pipe cleaner antennae.
Grackle – For this, I found a bird half-mask thing at Target and wore it with all black, black feathers in my hair and a sign around my neck that said “HEB parking lot or Bust.”
Shiplap – This was soooo easy but also such a hit! I bought a sheet or white foam core and drew lines on it, then strung the foam core board on a piece of twine and hung it around my neck.
Other ideas:
ALICO building – So, I haven’t done this but a little girl, last year I think, nailed it. Get a box you fit in, cover it in butcher paper and draw the windows and other building elements, find a fun, bright way to do the ALICO sign and then string twine through the open top of the box to wear on your shoulders. Or if the box is big enough, cut arm and neck holes in it. That should work!
Suspension bridge – a friend suggested that the bridge would be a cute couples costume with each person as an end of the bridge (the old toll houses).
Silos – another suggested costume for couples. Probably could pull it off mostly with poster board. Bonus points if you string yourself with lights to represent the lit up silos.
Your favorite Cameron Park trail – Dress all in brown and cut out felt letters and stick them down the front of yourself to be a trail sign.
Pineapple – The City of Waco’s new campaign is asking locals to “be a pineapple.” So, literally (ish), be a pineapple?
If you’ve got more ideas, I’d love to hear them!
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